Customized Coaching Solutions for Healthcare’s Leading Organizations

  Don’t miss Healthcare Plus Solutions Group (HPSG) co-founders, Dan Collard and Quint Studer, speaking at the ACHE 2025 Congress…

  The Post-Acute Leadership Institute is designed to help you – and your leaders – achieve and sustain improved outcomes.…

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Corporate staff gathered together listening

Staying On the High Ground Is Hard, But It’s Always the Right Choice.

At one time, I probably thought the phrase “high ground” meant only a land mass. Today I understand the words much differently in relationships with people. “Stay on the high ground” is advice I received when I was involved in a difficult situation. I have not always listened to that advice. At one time, instead of staying on the high ground, my tendency was to look for faults in others. Instead of lifting myself up,…
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Business speaker giving a talk in conference hall.

Organizational Trust Is Down. Here’s How to Change That.

Having people trust leadership is a goal of every organization. It is something people devote lots of work and resources to. So, with all of the effort being put into building trust in an organization, why are the results less than what most leaders want? Trust, as defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is “assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something.” My experience is that it helps to ask those…
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Diverse Multiethnic Business people

Great Things Happen When We Focus on the Goal, Not the Barriers

Do you focus on the goal or on the barriers to the goal? When asked this question, most people will answer that they focus on the goal. I know I would have answered it that way—until I had an experience that changed my perception of myself. I spend time with people in leadership roles. I describe some of them as very high performing. This is based on the measurable outcomes that are produced by them…
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Two diverse serious businesswomen talking working

Four Common Phrases That May Send the Wrong Message

I share “boots on the ground” observations. This week’s column is about some phrases that may seem harmless on the surface, but that may send a message we’re not aware we are sending. A person who read my new book Sundays with Quint, which is a collection of some of my leadership columns, recently reached out. She shared how helpful the book is to her and asked where the content comes from. My first response was “thank…
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Copper cable wire used in electrical installation

Is It Time to Rewire What Was Once Hardwired?

When he returned to lead Apple, the late Steve Jobs shared with employees that the goal was to make much of what they do obsolete—not the mission of Apple, but the tools and techniques. His belief was that each person and every organization benefits by always being in the mode of continuous improvement. Twenty years ago, I wrote the book Hardwiring Excellence: Purpose, Worthwhile Work, Making a Difference. The Wiktionary dictionary defines hardwire this way: “to connect components…
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Human Capital Ecosystem™ Assessment

As you read in “Rewiring Excellence: Hardwired to Rewired”, The Human Capital Ecosystem™ Assessment is a leader-friendly version of holding up the mirror to look at how we’ve done things in the past and how we might re-imagine things going forward. What’s in? What’s out? This process gives the organization the opportunity to ask for and listen to the voice of the entire leadership team and more. As you’ll see referenced later in the explanation…
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Business Signing a Contract Buy - sell house.

The Power of Admitting Your Mistakes

“I was wrong.” “I am wrong.” “I may be wrong.” How easily these words come to a person and how willing they are to say them can be the difference between success and failure. They can be the difference between creating or reducing trust and building or destroying a relationship. They can be the difference between growing a business or losing a business. They can be the difference between saving lives or losing lives. I…
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Hands woman using Iphone 13pro playing social media

Do You Take Better Care of Your Phone Than You Do of Yourself?

Over the years of writing, speaking, facilitating workshops, and working with organizations, my experience is that people comprehend ideas and actions better when they can relate them to something they are already familiar with. Right now, I am finding many people can relate to the contrast between how one treats their phone and how they treat themselves. Think about how people take care of their phone. For example, I bought a special cover for the display…
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NEWS – Healthcare Plus Solutions Group Releases Latest Models of Care Insight Survey

Today, Healthcare Plus Solutions Group (HPSG), announced the launch of its latest Models of Care Insight Study in partnership with Joslin Insight. The latest survey follows a nationwide survey conducted in January 2023 that heard from 3,378 frontline nurses, nurse leaders, and healthcare executives on organizational resistance to change, gaps between workforce ranks, and high-impact care delivery roles. After the release of the results, healthcare leaders requested a follow-up study be conducted to learn more…
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Business people talking in meeting

Be a Great Receiver of Complaints (Even Those That Seem Unreasonable)

How do you manage less-than-positive feedback? This is an area I need ongoing work in. A person sent a long story to me in which he shared his frustration regarding how he was treated by someone in an organization he was dealing with. He did not send this story so I would contact the organization, but to vent and get my opinion. I know the top person in the organization he is frustrated with. When I…
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