
A Foundation of Trust: How a Mayo Clinic ER Physician Helps His Team Defeat Burnout


Managing burnout is a two-pronged effort for leaders: we need to care for our own mental health as well as that of our team members. In many cases, one perpetuates the other. Dr. Ben Knutson, a busy ER physician, does focus on work/life balance, play, and family time. But also, he finds that helping his team at the Mayo Clinic better manage burnout is incredibly replenishing for him as well. In this conversation with Quint Studer he discusses:

  • How a strong foundation of trust paired with an empathetic shoulder to lean on helps “prideful” physicians overcome stigma, express their struggles, and (if needed) access resources
  • How he and fellow Mayo Clinic leaders link SMART goals with outcomes that focus on initiatives and key strategies for burnout.
  • Why something as simple as writing thank you notes brings him as much joy as it does the recipients
Dr. Benjamin Knutson
Emergency Department Physician at Mayo Clinic

Dr. Knutson serves as  the Community Division Chair for Mayo Clinic Emergency Medicine overseeing 19 community-based emergency departments across Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Northern Iowa. In addition, he is an Instructor of Emergency Medicine and a Clinical Associate Consultant in Emergency Medicine practicing in Rochester, MN as well as in the Southwest Minnesota Mayo Clinic Health System for the past eight years.

Dr. Knutson has served in several additional leadership roles and initiatives.  He currently co-chairs the Midwest Emergency Medicine Patient Experience committee, the Mayo Clinic Health System Emergency Medicine Patient and Staff Satisfaction committee and is currently Silver-certified through the Mayo Clinic Quality Fellow program.  He also serves as a member on the Board of Minnesota ACEP and is the Rural Section ACEP representative this year.

Dr. Knutson has a tremendous interest and passion in leadership development and education.  He is a passionate believer of evidence-based leadership, ensuring a tactical approach with a strong focus on improving outcomes. He continues to practice clinically for the love of his patients and continues to focus on systematic improvement for the benefit of his teams and departments.