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Stay up to date on the latest articles from Healthcare Plus Solutions Group. From burnout and well-being to leadership skills and professional best practices, we’re publishing need-to-know information for all healthcare leaders, teams, and organizations.


“Why Are We Really Short-Staffed?” (Tips for Improving Retention)

We are short-staffed. It is so hard to find help. These statements are often given as the explanation for a range of issues: why something is taking longer than planned…why response is slower than desired…why business hours are less than they used to be…why people are working more hours than they like…why employees feel overwhelmed…why companies are paying more overtime dollars and at times bringing in temporary workers at a high cost…etc. Taken as stand-alone items,…
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It Takes Self-Awareness to Own Your Own Development

How self-aware are you? In my book The Busy Leader’s Handbook, published by Wiley, Chapter 1 is titled “Strive to Be Self-Aware and Coachable.” The book is about how to lead people and places that thrive. There are 41 stand-alone chapters that provide tips for leaders in the many situations they face. Why is Chapter 1 different from the other 40 chapters? Because if someone is not self-aware and coachable, those other chapters will not have…
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Business deal

The Power of Replenishment and Gratitude

How does one replenish themselves and others? A common definition of the word replenish is “to make full again.” This is often used in terms of supplying what is lacking, used up, etc. I have heard the message that one should stay hydrated. To hydrate is to replenish oneself. That is physical replenishment, and it’s important…but mental and emotional replenishment are also important. Much of my current work is focused on helping organizations create cultures of replenishment.…
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Why Do People and Organizations Lose the Gains They’ve Achieved?

I woke up recently in great spirits. I was spending time with a group, and they noticed my jovial demeanor. One person described it as childlike joy. Later on, another person shared that since they have begun meditating, they are doing better. It hit me: I had meditated every morning for the past week. Maybe this influenced why I had woken up in such a good mood. As he continued speaking, I realized that I…
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Applause, success and winner

In Tough Times, Enthusiasm and Optimism Are More Important Than Ever.

As a leader, do I bring the needed enthusiasm to those I meet? Do I express optimism about the future? Lately, these are questions I’ve been thinking about a lot. With each of my books, columns, articles, podcasts, and presentations, I hold up the self-awareness mirror. The question I ask myself is: How well am I following what I recommend to others? Sharing best practices in leadership provides such an opportunity. It is normal for me to come…
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Employees gossiping about young female colleague

Gossip Erodes Trust, Goodwill, and Peace. Here’s How to Shut It Down.

Gossip is something I’ve encountered at various times in my life. I am on a journey of learning. When I share about work situations and community items, the fact that they’re based on actual experiences is helpful. It provides me with empathy and understanding. I know how hard being in a leadership role is. In studying recent employee engagement results and reading comments, it became clear there are signs of gossip. In researching materials on…
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Business people having a meeting in a tech company

In a Talent Shortage, a Strong Employee Brand Is Crucial.

Organizations work very hard to create and market a great brand for consumers. Their goal is to make sure their products and services are distinguishable from the products and services of others. I’ve seen a brand described as a perception in the mind of the customer, and as a promise of what they will experience. That brand promise is vital. It attracts customers and gives them a reason (the “why”) to use the product or…
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Being Thankful for the Opportunity to Give

In this season of Thanksgiving, it occurred to me that one thing I’m deeply grateful for is the opportunity to give. Since well before the inception of Healthcare Plus Solutions Group (HPSG), my colleague, Quint Studer, and I have tried to demonstrate a closeness to the healthcare industry…and part of that closeness is illustrated by looking for opportunities to give back.  One of the most tangible illustrations was the amount of time that Quint has…
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Diverse group of managers working together at office.

The Best Organizations Create a Development-Rich Culture

What are you doing to develop your replacement? What is being done to build depth in your company? These are important questions for all leaders to consider. The subject of succession planning came up in a conversation with Will Dunaway, the chair of the board for the Center for Civic Engagement. Will is an attorney for the law firm Clark Partington. His office is in Pensacola, Florida. Will was one of several people from Clark…
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Successful millennial businessman boss

It’s Time to Take a Closer Look at Commonly Accepted “Truths.”

How many times have you heard, or even said, phrases like the following? You must keep your personal and professional life separate. If someone gets complimented, they will get a big head. Too much praise may cause people to become complacent. It is important to balance positive and negative feedback. We may accept them as truths…but are they really? These are a few of the statements that came to mind as I listened to Tom Dahlborg present at EntreCon®,…
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At Healthcare Plus Solutions Group, we take the complex and make it doable. We recognize that no two healthcare organizations are exactly alike, which is why we design and customize every solution based on your unique needs. Whether you’re looking to improve patient experience outcomes, develop your leaders, or reduce staff turnover, we are here to be your guiding hand.

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