CommunicationEmployee Engagement

How to Be the Public Relations Person for Those You Lead


“Be the change you want to see in the world.” This quote is most often attributed to Mahatma Gandhi. It comes up in conversations with groups to which I am presenting.

In these conversations, I often share that research shows that when a person receives three compliments for every one criticism, they feel more positive about the sender. Two compliments per criticism creates a neutral feeling about the sender, and a one-to-one ratio creates a negative feeling. During a break or after my presentation, it is not unusual for someone to come up to me and share that they do not hear three compliments for every criticism. This comment is primarily about their leader or upper management. I ask how often they compliment their boss and/or upper management. The look I receive is one of, Am I supposed to do that?

My experience is that people tend to think more about what they should be receiving versus what they should be giving. Yet the company has invested resources to support each attendee’s development. This includes room rental, food, items to leave with, and, at times, travel costs. I suggest that if an attendee has found the time well spent, they might send a thank-you note to those leaders who invested in them. Recognized behavior gets repeated.

This is in line with the quote that starts this column. In this area, as in others, we can be the change. Through our own actions, we can make recognition an integral part of the culture.

Be helpful to leaders. As a manager, you are a public relations person for those you lead. Do not assume your boss or upper management knows what is taking place. Send notes to your boss or others outlining employee accomplishments. I would start by saying, “I know you like to recognize people.” Then list whom to recognize and why. People want to recognize others and will gladly do so when you make it easy for them.

We can also invite leaders to celebrations. If your department just passed a survey with flying colors, this calls for a celebration. Send a note to your leader and others inviting them. Every CEO cannot make every celebration, though they would like to. If they can make it, they will. Send an invite. The _________ (name of department) were just notified we passed the latest survey with an outstanding score. To thank the staff for their hard work and to acknowledge this accomplishment, we are holding a celebration at __________ (date, time, and location). We understand if you cannot make it; however, if you can, the team will be thrilled. Do not just send the invite; give it a personal touch. At the minimum, you will receive a positive note to pass along to the team. And often the upper leader or leader will come to the celebration.

These are just a few actions individuals can take to build recognition into the culture. There are many others. When we decide to be the change we want to see in the world and in the workplace, it is amazing how our efforts take root and flourish. Thank you.

Quint Studer
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Quint is the coauthor (with Katherine A. Meese, PhD) of The Human Margin: Building the Foundations of Trust, a leadership resource that combines the latest workplace research findings with tactics proven to help people and organizations flourish. His book Rewiring Excellence: Hardwired to Rewired provides doable tools and techniques that help employees and physicians find joy in their work and enhance patients’ and families’ healthcare experiences. His book The Calling: Why Healthcare Is So Special helps healthcare professionals keep their sense of passion and purpose high. In Sundays with Quint, he shares a selection of his popular leadership columns for leaders, employees, and business owners in all industries.

Quint is the cofounder of Healthcare Plus Solutions Group®, a consulting firm that specializes in delivering customized solutions to diagnose and treat healthcare organizations’ most urgent pain points.

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