
Asking versus telling builds trust.


Looking to spark a trust-building conversation with someone you lead? Start with a question. Asking (not telling) builds rapport, fosters psychological safety, and makes people feel heard and valued. It’s a great way to show them you care about their thoughts and ideas.

In the book I wrote in collaboration with Dr. Katherine Meese–The Human Margin: Building the Foundations of Trustwe share a list of trust-building questions leaders can ask during rounding and at other times. Here are just a few of them:

What worries you the most? (Don’t assume you know.) In many cases you’ll find that it’s something you can fix, or at least get started fixing. This is huge anxiety reducer for employees.

How can I support you in your role? What does support from me look like? Again, you’re showing the employee you care and want to make their job and life better.

What are your professional goals, and how can I help you achieve them? Are there additional trainings or resources to which you’d like to have access? Both questions show you’re committed to the person’s development—which really matters to the current generation of healthcare talent.

For more trust-building questions, I invite you to read The Human Margin. I’d love to hear what questions are working well for you!

Quint Studer
Quint Studer
If you are interested in purchasing books or having Quint Studer speak in-person or virtually, please contact

Quint is the coauthor (with Katherine A. Meese, PhD) of The Human Margin: Building the Foundations of Trust, a leadership resource that combines the latest workplace research findings with tactics proven to help people and organizations flourish. His book Rewiring Excellence: Hardwired to Rewired provides doable tools and techniques that help employees and physicians find joy in their work and enhance patients’ and families’ healthcare experiences. His book The Calling: Why Healthcare Is So Special helps healthcare professionals keep their sense of passion and purpose high. In Sundays with Quint, he shares a selection of his popular leadership columns for leaders, employees, and business owners in all industries.

Quint is the cofounder of Healthcare Plus Solutions Group®, a consulting firm that specializes in delivering customized solutions to diagnose and treat healthcare organizations’ most urgent pain points.