
Never Underestimate the Difference YOU Can Make (a New Year’s Message)


During the holidays, it’s natural to reflect. That cusp between the end of one year and the start of the next has a way of putting things in perspective.

It’s a good time to ask ourselves some questions. Am I taking care of myself? What brings me joy? Are there things I can do more of or less of?

I want to share a few thoughts. I hope they may resonate with you.

It’s about being. We all have busy schedules. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. But at times we can get so laser-focused on getting tasks done that we miss the moment. We are so busy doing that we forget to be. We miss opportunities to be connected. These are the moments that make life rich and meaningful.

It is important to realize that a lot of the pressure we feel is pressure we put on ourselves. Many of the things we think we have to do are things that we are choosing to do. We all have choices. We can choose to pause, to pay attention, and to just be.

Try to say “get to” instead of “got to.” This small mental shift makes all the difference in how we experience life. I hear “got to” language all the time from people: “I’ve got to fly to Chicago for business next week.” “Ugh, I’ve got to shop for the kids’ Christmas presents.” Not only do I hear it, I say it. I have to remind myself to be a get to person versus a got to person.

“I get to travel for work. It’s great to get to visit so many different places!” Or, “I get to buy gifts for my kids.” “I get to take a walk.” “I get to have good relationships.”

The minute we make the “get to” shift, everything changes. We feel a sense of control. We are more grateful. We make space for joy. We become people others want to be near.

Find gratitude in everything (including life’s challenges). I heard a Miami Marlins podcast. Carson Vitale, the new bench coach for the Marlins, was interviewed. He shared how grateful he is to the nurses and doctors and other healthcare providers who saved his son’s life when he was born 12 weeks premature. He shared that he would not want the situation to happen to anyone; however, the experience impacted his wife, Lucy, and him in a profound way. He described spending two years in the Dominican Republic. Seeing the passion of the people as well as the poverty impacts him to this day. The takeaway? Cherish what one has, health being foremost.

This year I spent time in an oncology waiting room for my six-month checkup. I went to an imaging center for a PET scan. Each month I visited my dermatologist’s office and went to see my primary care physician. Spending time in waiting rooms can be very sad, as one sees patients and families in very difficult situations. It also provides the reality that all we have is today. It reminds us that each day is a gift. A gift is a present. Live in the present and be grateful for the opportunity. We get to do this.

Never underestimate the difference YOU can make. The impact of one human being is far greater than we realize. Depending on our work, we may have a huge impact on customers’ lives. For sure, we impact our employees, coworkers, and—of course—our families. We can even change the lives of strangers for the better.

When we keep that in mind, we will change what we do, what we say, and how we say it. One person’s actions can transform a relationship. That, in turn, can change a family. It can ripple outward from there to change a community.

As 2025 arrives, let’s think about small things we can do to make life better for those around us. Let’s think about how our words make people feel. Let’s find time for everyday acts of kindness.

We are all walking each other home. Let’s do all we can to make that walk as peaceful, as joyful, as meaningful, and as life-changing as possible.

Quint Studer
If you are interested in purchasing books or having Quint speak in-person or virtually, please contact info@HealthcarePlusSG.com.

Quint is the coauthor (with Katherine A. Meese, PhD) of The Human Margin: Building the Foundations of Trust, a leadership resource that combines the latest workplace research findings with tactics proven to help people and organizations flourish. His book Rewiring Excellence: Hardwired to Rewired provides doable tools and techniques that help employees and physicians find joy in their work and enhance patients’ and families’ healthcare experiences. His book The Calling: Why Healthcare Is So Special helps healthcare professionals keep their sense of passion and purpose high. In Sundays with Quint, he shares a selection of his popular leadership columns for leaders, employees, and business owners in all industries.

Quint is the cofounder of Healthcare Plus Solutions Group®, a consulting firm that specializes in delivering customized solutions to diagnose and treat healthcare organizations’ most urgent pain points.

For more information on Quint, visit www.HealthcarePlusSG.com.