Precision Leader Development


It’s Time to Bring Back Accountability. Here’s How.

When can we start holding people accountable again? This is a question I frequently receive. It does not mean that there is no accountability. What it does mean is that due to staff shortages, leaders are tending to lower the bar on expectations and accountability. It makes sense. If there are not enough staff to provide service, the business may need to reduce hours. This can lead to not having enough revenue to keep the doors…
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In Hard Times, Communication Will Save You

As some of you know, I have started a biweekly podcast in which I chat with leaders from all industries on how they’re tackling the many challenges we face today. Most recently I had the privilege of speaking with Mark Clement, who is the CEO and president of TriHealth, a $2.1 billion healthcare system in Cincinnati, Ohio. (Click here to listen.) This was an important conversation for several reasons. One, healthcare has been one of the hardest-hit industries during…
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Medical Team Meeting

Do You Know How to Delegate Effectively?

Some people may see delegation as simple – handing off an assignment to another person. But it’s not merely a task, it’s a leadership skill. This skill doesn’t just help at work, either. They can help in a community, a church and with family. Delegation is moving action to the best place in the organization. When it’s done well, delegation frees up the manager to focus on other items, it builds depth in the organization…
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