Precision Leader Development

Business development and technology

Act on Facts, Not on Guesswork (Why We Need to Measure What Matters)

When it’s time to move forward, it’s better to act based on facts, not guesswork. In my experience, knowing the facts usually leads to better outcomes. When we have data on a situation, we are more likely to know what to do next. That’s not to say we won’t miss the mark at times—but actions based on facts are always better than actions based on assumptions. It’s always helpful for organizations to have good studies…
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Thank you card in hands

Take Time to Thank the Difference Makers in Your Life

Who made a difference in your life, or at least in a situation you faced? Do they know it? The response to my column on how small gestures can make a big difference was wonderful. The emails and/or posts with people sharing their stories suggested my own experiences and the experiences of others are much the same. In most cases, the person who made the difference is probably unaware of their impact. It is important…
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Doctor, portrait or black woman nurse

How to Be the Best Possible Student in Every Phase of Development

In my experience, a person’s professional journey has ups and downs and twists and turns. It is more of a roller coaster ride than a lazy river. The hills and valleys help us learn. I was sharing with a good friend and mentor that I am now better at pausing. The pause helps me resist the urge to act at times—or at least take the action that’s more in line with the situation. At work…
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Shot of a patient and assistant interacting in a dentist office

New Measures to Focus On in the “Now Reality”

As I continue to be out and about and inside many organizations, I am impressed with the passion and commitment I see, hear, and feel. These past several years have led many to feel that they were in a “valley of despair.” Today, while we have hopefully come out of the deepest part of the valley, most people understand that things have changed. Some call it the “new reality.” My colleague Dan Collard calls it…
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Young worker feels offended frustrated during meeting at work

Envy Keeps Us From Being the Best We Can Be

Writing my book The Calling: Why Healthcare Is So Special was a journey. The original concept of the book was that leadership is an inside job. This means that the better our “insides” (emotions and thoughts) are working, the better the external outcomes will be. I presented the talk “Leadership Is an Inside Job” at a large leadership session for TriHealth in Cincinnati, Ohio, on November 6, 2019. Afterward, TriHealth President/CEO Mark Clement was very complimentary about…
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Corporate staff gathered together listening

Staying On the High Ground Is Hard, But It’s Always the Right Choice.

At one time, I probably thought the phrase “high ground” meant only a land mass. Today I understand the words much differently in relationships with people. “Stay on the high ground” is advice I received when I was involved in a difficult situation. I have not always listened to that advice. At one time, instead of staying on the high ground, my tendency was to look for faults in others. Instead of lifting myself up,…
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Business speaker giving a talk in conference hall.

Organizational Trust Is Down. Here’s How to Change That.

Having people trust leadership is a goal of every organization. It is something people devote lots of work and resources to. So, with all of the effort being put into building trust in an organization, why are the results less than what most leaders want? Trust, as defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is “assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something.” My experience is that it helps to ask those…
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Diverse Multiethnic Business people

Great Things Happen When We Focus on the Goal, Not the Barriers

Do you focus on the goal or on the barriers to the goal? When asked this question, most people will answer that they focus on the goal. I know I would have answered it that way—until I had an experience that changed my perception of myself. I spend time with people in leadership roles. I describe some of them as very high performing. This is based on the measurable outcomes that are produced by them…
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Two diverse serious businesswomen talking working

Four Common Phrases That May Send the Wrong Message

I share “boots on the ground” observations. This week’s column is about some phrases that may seem harmless on the surface, but that may send a message we’re not aware we are sending. A person who read my new book Sundays with Quint, which is a collection of some of my leadership columns, recently reached out. She shared how helpful the book is to her and asked where the content comes from. My first response was “thank…
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Copper cable wire used in electrical installation

Is It Time to Rewire What Was Once Hardwired?

When he returned to lead Apple, the late Steve Jobs shared with employees that the goal was to make much of what they do obsolete—not the mission of Apple, but the tools and techniques. His belief was that each person and every organization benefits by always being in the mode of continuous improvement. Twenty years ago, I wrote the book Hardwiring Excellence: Purpose, Worthwhile Work, Making a Difference. The Wiktionary dictionary defines hardwire this way: “to connect components…
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