Employee Engagement

From Surviving to Thriving: How Leadership Training Can Transform Post-Acute

COVID-19 was tough on everyone, but one of the hardest hit areas was post-acute. It was a scary time. Residents were struggling. Caregivers were leaving. Stress and burnout were rampant. Organizations were in survival mode—just trying to get through the day. In the aftermath of the pandemic, post-acute is struggling with several realities. One, there’s a serious staffing shortage and high turnover. Two, morale continues to be low, in large part because of that short-staffing. Three, with…
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To Stop We/They Leadership, Invest in the Middle

What does it mean when a person or a culture is said to have a we/they issue? The most common explanation of we/they is when someone positions themselves positively (or at least neutrally) while positioning someone else less favorably. A classic example is a manager who says, “If it were up to me, I’d give you a raise, but administration has frozen all pay increases for the rest of the year.” While we/they is harmful…
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“Why Are We Really Short-Staffed?” (Tips for Improving Retention)

We are short-staffed. It is so hard to find help. These statements are often given as the explanation for a range of issues: why something is taking longer than planned…why response is slower than desired…why business hours are less than they used to be…why people are working more hours than they like…why employees feel overwhelmed…why companies are paying more overtime dollars and at times bringing in temporary workers at a high cost…etc. Taken as stand-alone items,…
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Diverse group of managers working together at office.

The Best Organizations Create a Development-Rich Culture

What are you doing to develop your replacement? What is being done to build depth in your company? These are important questions for all leaders to consider. The subject of succession planning came up in a conversation with Will Dunaway, the chair of the board for the Center for Civic Engagement. Will is an attorney for the law firm Clark Partington. His office is in Pensacola, Florida. Will was one of several people from Clark…
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Colleagues clapping

Don’t Skimp on Employee Recognition…But Be Careful That It Doesn’t Backfire

I often get letters from people who read this column. Recently, a reader shared that the organization they are part of had given out awards to some people who did not seem to achieve the success they were recognized for. This is a valid concern. How can a manager be recognized as a great manager when their employee engagement is low? How can an employee be recognized as an excellent employee if they are not…
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business audits using

Dealing With Less-Than-Flattering Employee Engagement Results

I am grateful that CEOs, owners, and others contact me to discuss their employee engagement results. Due to many impacts that could not be anticipated, most organizations have experienced a decline in these results. They had expected a dip in engagement; however, the dip has been worse than expected. Most of us, when we receive data that we do not like, may respond in a variety of ways. We will discuss some predictable reactions later.…
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Business People Meeting

What “Trust Building” Looks Like in Action

Dan Collard, a colleague of mine, shared that he often puts my writings through a tool that captures which words are used most often. He told me that the word trust comes up frequently. This makes sense, with all the focus on building strong relationships in the workplace. While building trust has always been foundational in forming strong relationships, it is even more important now. Research from a variety of fronts reports that overall trust is…
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Building Self-Awareness Into Your Company Culture

In my book The Busy Leader’s Handbook, Chapter 1 is on self-awareness and coachability. Self-awareness is one’s ability to perceive and understand the characteristics that make them who they are as an individual: personality, actions, values, beliefs, emotions, and thoughts. The greater self-awareness a person has, the more coachable they are. In the book, I provide tips on how to gain self-awareness and become more coachable. My experience is that a key characteristic the best performers…
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Successful partnership

Focus on Retention: Questions to Ask a New Employee

When I hear from leaders, staffing is almost always at or near the top of the biggest issues they are facing. It seems we are constantly asking ourselves, Do we have enough staff? This question usually centers on the number of staff. If we are fortunate enough to have the needed numbers, then the discussion moves to items like, What is the experience level of our staff? Usually it is both. One, there’s not enough staff, and two,…
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Shot of a young businessman looking

To Retain New Employees, Look at How You’re Managing Creative Tension

I spend a lot of time inside organizations. A common thread I see is that there are many people who are either new to the organization or, if they’ve been there for a while, are in a new position. Both situations can be daunting. Then add the fact that organizations don’t always adapt certain measures to the newness of the team, and the result is individual and organizational tension. Peter Senge, author of The Fifth…
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