Employee Engagement


When Engaging Employees, Everyone Is an N of 1

I read lots of research. That means I regularly see formulas like N=500 or N=600 or N=1,000. The N stands for number, and the number afterward stands for how many people are included in the data. In essence, for research purposes, the larger the number the better in most cases. Statistics is very interesting to me. For instance, there is a certain number at which the results are considered reliable. The higher the N, the better the…
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Defiance, Compliance, Reliance: Moving People Through the Phases of Change

This column is about how to lead change. I am starting with a story on traffic roundabouts. They are a great example of leading change due to people’s initial reaction to them. I live in Pensacola, Florida. I live close to 17th Street. It intersects with Main Street (Bayfront), which is a major thoroughfare for people going to and from Pensacola to Gulf Breeze and Pensacola Beach. When a new bridge was announced, the plans included…
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