
Two Tactics to Improve the Timing and Accuracy of Your Messages

Two Tactics to Improve the Timing and Accuracy of Your Messages

Why does a good decision or action end up not going well? Was it the decision itself or how the action was taken…or was it a communication issue? My experience is that leaders put a lot of time into making thoughtful decisions. The “miss” occurs due to how things are communicated during the rollout. Micromanagement can get a bad rap. Yes, there are certain actions in which it makes sense: making sure a recipe is correct,…
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Positioning Others in a Positive Light Makes a Difference

Last week’s column covered suggestions on how to not create a we/they culture. Today’s column is about the power a person has when he or she positions individuals and the organization in a positive way. I am focusing lots of time on helping organizations build trust in senior leaders. In my work, I share that a new employee’s coworkers hold the early key to trust. In the new employee orientation, the person hears about the mission and…
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We/They Communication: When It Works and When It Does Not

There is a place for we/they communication, but it’s not in the business world. We/they motivates individuals and groups when there are two sides to the equation. It is commonplace in politics and sports. A coach may use comments from the other team to motivate their team and win the game. A politician may use we/they positioning to get out the vote. However, inside an organization where everyone is on the same team, it is…
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How to Be the Public Relations Person for Those You Lead | Healthcare Plus Solutions Group

How to Be the Public Relations Person for Those You Lead

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” This quote is most often attributed to Mahatma Gandhi. It comes up in conversations with groups to which I am presenting. In these conversations, I often share that research shows that when a person receives three compliments for every one criticism, they feel more positive about the sender. Two compliments per criticism creates a neutral feeling about the sender, and a one-to-one ratio creates a…
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Silence Is Support…and Other Truths Learned From Life | Healthcare Plus Solutions Group

Silence Is Support…and Other Truths Learned From Life

My writings come from life experiences. As I reflect on my recent experiences in the field, here are a few items that come to mind. Silence can be interpreted as support or agreement. At times, that is correct, but not always. A person may say to their coworkers, “We never know what is going on around here.” While the coworkers may feel that statement is not accurate, they remain silent. The person then believes the others…
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Everyone Is Important, and Every Job Matters

Everyone Is Important, and Every Job Matters

My last column was on uplifters. By this I mean people who lift others up. When I wrote the column, I was not aware that the week it was published, I would be uplifted by spending two days with the leadership team at Loma Linda University Health (LLUH) in California. This organization is well regarded for many reasons. One is that Loma Linda has the world’s first proton unit used for cancer patients. Another is…
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Are You an Uplifter? | Healthcare Plus Solutions Group

Are You an Uplifter?

We all know those people who uplift others. This past week, I was with a group and mentioned Norm Adams. If you have read my work over the years, this name will be familiar to you. If not, let me explain. Norm is no longer with us physically, but like many, his legacy lives on through others. I met Norm in July of 1996. I had just moved to the Pensacola area. While waiting to…
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Two Ears and One Mouth: There Is a Reason!

Two Ears and One Mouth: There Is a Reason!

You have likely heard the statement that we have two ears and one mouth for a reason: to spend twice as much time listening as we spend talking. It is true. Many of us could stand to become better listeners. Research tells us listening is a skill with positive outcomes for both the talker and the listener. For example, good listening: Improves relationships by making interactions more meaningful. Builds trust. Good listeners are perceived as more…
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Be a “Get To” Person

Be a “Get To” Person

As Thanksgiving approaches, we think about gratitude. I find that our level of gratefulness shows up in the words we choose. I get to be with people on a regular basis, as organizations ask me to speak at events. I always individualize the content to the organization. One size never fits all. Yet there is one common theme I do find applies to every group. I always ask, “When you are getting ready to take…
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Leaders Need Appreciation Too. (It’s Not “Sucking Up”!)

Leaders Need Appreciation Too. (It’s Not “Sucking Up”!)

When the person you report to sees you coming toward them, is their thought, Here comes some good news! or, Here comes a solution! Or is their emotion more like, What now? In my talks, I often cite the opposite scenario: what employees think when a supervisor contacts them. Some examples of this are below. But keep reading to see what happens when the message is reversed. A question I ask groups is, “When you receive…
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