Quint Studer has always had an active interest in mental health. On the personal side, he is a recovering alcoholic in his 39th year of sobriety. Professionally, he has served on the boards of Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation and TriHealth, so he has seen the impact the pandemic is having on healthcare professionals.
That’s why Quint has devoted his time and energy to helping organizations navigate stress, burnout, and trauma, thereby helping leaders replenish their own emotional bank account and those of their employees. Many people have asked for and have downloaded the Well-being Tools and Resources. With the amount of interest these tools have created, we have decided to do a complimentary webinar for those in healthcare and anyone else who may find the information helpful.
During this webinar, Quint will review the well-being tools and most importantly how to best use them. He’ll walk through the assessment tools and then help you prioritize the tactics based upon your organization’s specific needs. The webinar, well-being tools and resources are available to you at no charge. This is one more way of saying thank you to courageous healthcare workers and the difference they make.