A Conversation with Quint

Insights on Experience and Engagement

In the past several days and weeks, the healthcare industry has celebrated Doctor’s Day, Patient Experience Week, Nurses Week, and Hospital Week. As we recognize all these groups, it is also a perfect time to take a look back at the history of what has become a focus for so many organizations in the industry – experience and engagement.

In this 40-minute conversation with Healthcare Plus Solutions Group leader Nicole Webb Bodie, Quint Studer takes an insightful look at:

  • The role of the senior team in leading patient experience
  • The importance of employee engagement
  • The essential element of physician engagement
  • The ability to use data to diagnose and then treat the pain points of any given organization.
  • A rewired focus on leadership development and skill building

Whether you’ve known Quint, worked with him, read his books, or heard him speak, you undoubtedly know why he’s been called “one of the best friends to healthcare”. If you don’t know Quint, you likely know (and use) many of the tools he created and implemented at healthcare organizations across the country. This video takes a look back at the journey to achieve outcomes in experience and engagement and provides a blueprint for leaders focusing in these areas today.