Change Management


Making Job Change Easier: Insights on Leaving, Letting Go, and Keeping the Door Open

The Great Resignation is still going on, and many individuals and business owners are dealing with job change. Whether one is thinking of leaving a job or is a leader dealing with the loss of a good employee, these are often complicated, emotional issues. It can be hard to know what to do. This past week I experienced three situations that involved career decisions. While they were all different, they were also similar in some…
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Compliance Builders: Ten Tips to Move People Through the “Defiance” Stage of Change

We learn by doing. Recently a personal situation came up that I did not know how to handle. I called someone to ask for advice. The advice I received was to be compliant with the process that people with expertise were recommending. It seems the more experience I get, the easier it is to break what I once made complex down to simple steps. I believe that is true for many people. My father was…
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Defiance, Compliance, Reliance: Moving People Through the Phases of Change

This column is about how to lead change. I am starting with a story on traffic roundabouts. They are a great example of leading change due to people’s initial reaction to them. I live in Pensacola, Florida. I live close to 17th Street. It intersects with Main Street (Bayfront), which is a major thoroughfare for people going to and from Pensacola to Gulf Breeze and Pensacola Beach. When a new bridge was announced, the plans included…
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