Emotional Onboarding

Leader Toolkit

When there were more people than jobs, new hires were more likely to stick it out until they felt more connected and competent in their job. Today, with more jobs than people, if one does not feel connected and competent quickly, they are much more likely to take flight to another job.

This tool kit will provide solutions for both two key areas that impact employee retention: helping the new hire understand and move through the uncertainty they face in those first weeks, and then detailing how to accelerate the new hire’s feeling that they belong and are part of the team. Together, these solutions are called Emotional Onboarding™.

Not only will the tactics in this tool kit improve retention and engagement, they will also help protect your organization’s culture. You work hard to create that culture. As new people come in, it is crucial that they understand the values and behaviors your organization stands for and promotes. Emotional Onboarding helps immerse them in those cultural building blocks from the beginning.

To place a bulk order or for more information, contact our team at info@HealthcarePlusSG.com.

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