Step into a new era of leadership.

Ready to lead with impact? Rewiring Excellence: Hardwired to Rewired is Quint Studer and Dan Collard’s response to the rapidly changing healthcare environment. While some widely embraced behaviors and processes need to stay hardwired, others no longer work well and aren’t producing the desired outcomes. In many areas, it’s time to rewire.

Download chapter 5, “Rewiring Leadership Development” for a deeper dive into how healthcare organizations can take a fresh look at skill building to increase employee engagement and retention.

Here are just a few things leaders will learn:

  • How to evaluate whether a process, practice, or behavior needs rewiring (or whether it’s better left hardwired)
  • Why the Human Capital Ecosystem™ Assessment is a good starting point for reimagining your organization
  • Why popular practices like patient and employee rounding have become too complicated and how to make them doable again
  • Tactics for rethinking critical areas like selection and onboarding of talent, skill building, patient experience, employee well-being, and more
  • Why a “precision” approach to development is urgently needed in an industry with so many new leaders


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